Spicy Kung Pao Chicken Stir-Fry


Spicy Kung Pao Chicken Stir-Fry


  • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-size pieces
  • 5 tablespoons white wine or chicken broth, divided
  • 5 tablespoons soy sauce, divided
  • 2 tablespoons sesame oil, divided
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch, divided
  • 2 tablespoons water, divided
  • 1 tablespoon chili garlic paste (adjust to taste for spice level)
  • 3 teaspoons rice wine vinegar
  • 6 teaspoons brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
  • 2 cups mixed vegetables, chopped (bell peppers, snap peas, carrots, etc.)
  • 1 small can water chestnuts, drained and sliced
  • 1 tablespoon garlic, minced
  • 2 green onions, finely chopped
  • Chopped peanuts, for garnish
  • Cooked rice, for serving


  1. Marinate the Chicken:
    • In a large zip-top bag, combine 2 tablespoons white wine or chicken broth, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, and 1 tablespoon cornstarch dissolved in 1 tablespoon water.
    • Add the chicken pieces to the bag, seal, and toss to coat thoroughly. Marinate in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes.
  2. Prepare the Sauce:
    • In a small bowl, mix together 3 tablespoons white wine or chicken broth, 3 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 tablespoon cornstarch dissolved in 1 tablespoon water, chili garlic paste, rice wine vinegar, and brown sugar. Set aside.
  3. Cook the Chicken:
    • Heat a large skillet or wok over high heat. Add the marinated chicken pieces, spreading them out in a single layer.
    • Cook for 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the chicken is browned and cooked through. Remove the chicken from the skillet and cover with foil to keep warm.
  4. Stir-Fry the Vegetables:
    • Reduce the heat to medium-high. Add 2 teaspoons vegetable oil to the skillet.
    • Add the chopped vegetables and stir-fry for 4-5 minutes until they are crisp-tender.
    • Stir in the minced garlic and water chestnuts, cooking for an additional 2 minutes until fragrant.
  5. Combine and Simmer:
    • Return the cooked chicken to the skillet with the vegetables.
    • Pour the prepared sauce over the chicken and vegetables. Stir well to coat everything evenly.
    • Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce thickens slightly and coats the chicken and vegetables.
  6. Serve:
    • Serve the Spicy Kung Pao Chicken immediately over cooked rice.
    • Garnish with chopped green onions and chopped peanuts for added crunch and flavor.


  • Adjust the amount of chili garlic paste according to your spice preference. Start with less if you prefer a milder dish.
  • Ensure all ingredients are prepped and ready before starting to cook, as stir-frying happens quickly.
  • Enjoy this flavorful and spicy Kung Pao Chicken with your favorite type of rice for a satisfying meal!

To make your Spicy Kung Pao Chicken Stir-Fry even more delightful, here are some helpful tips:

  1. Quality Ingredients: Use fresh, high-quality ingredients, especially for the vegetables and chicken. Fresh vegetables will retain their crunch and vibrant color, enhancing the overall appeal of the dish.
  2. Marinating Chicken: Marinate the chicken for at least 30 minutes, or up to an hour, in the refrigerator. This allows the flavors to penetrate the meat, resulting in juicier and more flavorful chicken pieces.
  3. Adjust Spice Level: Control the spiciness of the dish by adjusting the amount of chili garlic paste. Start with a smaller amount if you prefer a milder heat, and add more gradually according to your taste.
  4. Prep Ahead: Chop all vegetables and measure out ingredients before starting to cook. Stir-frying happens quickly, so having everything ready will make the cooking process smooth and efficient.
  5. Hot Wok or Skillet: Ensure your wok or skillet is very hot before adding the chicken. This helps in achieving a nice sear and prevents the chicken from stewing in its juices.
  6. Stir-Fry in Batches: If your skillet or wok is not large enough, stir-fry the chicken in batches. Overcrowding the pan will cause the chicken to steam rather than brown.
  7. Caramelize the Sauce: Allow the sauce to simmer and reduce until it thickens and caramelizes slightly. This intensifies the flavors and coats the chicken and vegetables beautifully.
  8. Add Crunch: For added texture, toss in some roasted peanuts along with or instead of chopped peanuts. They provide a crunchy contrast to the tender chicken and vegetables.
  9. Fresh Garlic and Ginger: Use freshly minced garlic and ginger for the sauce and stir-fry. They add aromatic depth and enhance the overall flavor profile of the dish.
  10. Garnish Effectively: Garnish with fresh chopped green onions right before serving. They add a pop of color and freshness to the dish.
  11. Serve Immediately: Stir-fries are best enjoyed immediately after cooking while the vegetables are still crisp and the flavors are vibrant.
  12. Pair with Rice: Serve the Spicy Kung Pao Chicken Stir-Fry with steamed jasmine rice or brown rice to soak up the delicious sauce.
  13. Experiment with Vegetables: Feel free to customize the vegetable mix based on your preferences. Bell peppers, snap peas, carrots, and broccoli all work well in this dish.
  14. Use Sesame Seeds: Toasted sesame seeds can be sprinkled over the finished dish for added nuttiness and visual appeal.
  15. Balance Sweet and Sour: Adjust the amount of brown sugar and rice wine vinegar to achieve the perfect balance of sweet and sour flavors in the sauce.

By incorporating these tips, you’ll elevate your Spicy Kung Pao Chicken Stir-Fry to a new level of deliciousness, ensuring it’s packed with flavor, texture, and visual appeal. Enjoy your cooking!

Here are 20 secrets to help you master this dish:

Preparation Secrets:

  1. Marinate the Chicken: Marinate the chicken in a mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, and cornstarch for at least 30 minutes. This helps tenderize the meat and infuse it with flavor.
  2. Velveting Technique: Use a traditional Chinese cooking technique called velveting by briefly blanching the chicken in hot water or broth before stir-frying. This keeps the chicken tender and moist.
  3. Prep Vegetables Uniformly: Cut vegetables into uniform sizes to ensure even cooking. This helps maintain their texture and visual appeal.
  4. Mince Garlic and Ginger Finely: For the sauce and stir-fry, finely mince garlic and ginger to release their flavors fully into the dish.
  5. Prepare Sauce in Advance: Mix the sauce ingredients (soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, brown sugar, chili garlic paste) in a bowl and set aside. This ensures all flavors meld together before cooking.

Cooking Secrets:

  1. Hot Wok or Skillet: Ensure your wok or skillet is very hot before adding oil and ingredients. This allows for quick cooking and prevents ingredients from stewing in their own juices.
  2. Cook in Batches: Stir-fry ingredients in batches to maintain high heat and avoid overcrowding the pan. Overcrowding leads to steaming instead of frying.
  3. Sear Chicken Properly: When stir-frying chicken, spread it out in a single layer and let it sear undisturbed for a minute to develop a nice caramelized exterior.
  4. Use High Heat: Stir-fry over high heat to achieve that characteristic smoky flavor and quick cooking time.
  5. Add Vegetables Strategically: Add vegetables that require longer cooking times (like carrots or bell peppers) first, followed by quicker-cooking vegetables (like snow peas or broccoli) later.
  6. Create Cornstarch Slurry: If the sauce needs thickening, create a cornstarch slurry (cornstarch mixed with water) and stir it into the sauce. This ensures a silky texture.
  7. Caramelize Sauce: Let the sauce simmer and reduce until it thickens slightly and caramelizes around the chicken and vegetables for intense flavor.

Flavor Enhancement Secrets:

  1. Balance Sweet and Spicy: Adjust the amount of brown sugar and chili garlic paste to achieve the perfect balance of sweetness and spiciness according to your preference.
  2. Toast Peanuts: Toast chopped peanuts in a dry skillet until golden brown before adding to the stir-fry. This enhances their nutty flavor and adds crunch.
  3. Finish with Aromatics: Add a drizzle of sesame oil and chopped green onions right before serving for added fragrance and freshness.

Presentation and Serving Secrets:

  1. Garnish Effectively: Garnish with fresh cilantro leaves or additional chopped green onions for a pop of color and fresh flavor.
  2. Serve Immediately: Stir-fries are best enjoyed immediately after cooking to maintain crispiness of vegetables and tenderness of chicken.
  3. Pair with Rice: Serve over steamed jasmine rice or noodles to soak up the flavorful sauce.

Variation and Customization Secrets:

  1. Experiment with Protein: Try using shrimp, beef, or tofu instead of chicken for a different variation of Kung Pao stir-fry.
  2. Personalize Vegetables: Customize the vegetable mix based on your preferences and seasonal availability for a fresh twist on the classic dish.

By incorporating these secrets into your cooking routine, you’ll be able to create a Spicy Kung Pao Chicken Stir-Fry that is bursting with flavor, perfectly textured, and thoroughly enjoyed by all!

Here are 20 popular questions and their answers related to Spicy Kung Pao Chicken Stir-Fry:

  1. What is Kung Pao Chicken?
    • Kung Pao Chicken is a popular Chinese stir-fry dish featuring tender chicken, peanuts, and vegetables in a spicy and tangy sauce.
  2. Is Kung Pao Chicken spicy?
    • Yes, Kung Pao Chicken is typically spicy due to the use of chili garlic paste or dried red chilies in the sauce. The level of spiciness can be adjusted based on personal preference.
  3. What are the key ingredients in Kung Pao Chicken?
    • Key ingredients include chicken (usually breast meat), peanuts or cashews, vegetables (like bell peppers and green onions), garlic, ginger, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, sesame oil, and chili paste or dried red chilies.
  4. How do you make Kung Pao Chicken less spicy?
    • To make it less spicy, reduce the amount of chili garlic paste or dried red chilies used in the recipe. You can also deseed the chilies before adding them to the dish.
  5. What vegetables can be used in Kung Pao Chicken?
    • Common vegetables used include bell peppers (red, green, or yellow), snow peas, carrots, broccoli, and zucchini. These vegetables add color, texture, and flavor to the dish.
  6. Can I use other meats besides chicken in Kung Pao stir-fry?
    • Yes, you can substitute chicken with other proteins such as shrimp, beef, pork, or tofu to create variations of the dish.
  7. How do you thicken Kung Pao Chicken sauce?
    • To thicken the sauce, create a slurry by mixing cornstarch with water (about 1 tablespoon cornstarch to 2 tablespoons water). Stir this mixture into the simmering sauce until it thickens to your desired consistency.
  8. What kind of rice is best with Kung Pao Chicken?
    • Jasmine rice or long-grain white rice are popular choices to serve with Kung Pao Chicken. The fragrant jasmine rice complements the bold flavors of the dish.
  9. Is Kung Pao Chicken gluten-free?
    • It can be made gluten-free by using gluten-free soy sauce and ensuring all other ingredients, such as vinegar and chili paste, are also gluten-free. Check labels to be sure.
  10. How do you pronounce “Kung Pao”?
    • It is pronounced as “kung pow” in English.
  11. Is Kung Pao Chicken healthy?
    • Kung Pao Chicken can be part of a balanced diet when prepared with lean chicken breast, lots of vegetables, and moderate amounts of sauce. Using less oil and sodium can also make it healthier.
  12. Can Kung Pao Chicken be made ahead of time?
    • While it’s best served fresh, you can prepare the sauce and marinate the chicken ahead of time. Stir-fry the chicken and vegetables just before serving to maintain their texture.
  13. How long should you marinate chicken for Kung Pao Chicken?
    • Marinate chicken pieces for at least 30 minutes, or up to 1 hour, in a mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, and cornstarch. This helps tenderize the meat and infuse it with flavor.
  14. Can you freeze Kung Pao Chicken?
    • It’s not recommended to freeze Kung Pao Chicken as the texture of the vegetables and chicken may change upon thawing. It’s best enjoyed fresh.
  15. What makes Kung Pao Chicken different from General Tso’s Chicken?
    • Kung Pao Chicken is typically spicier and has a tangy flavor due to the use of chili paste and rice vinegar. General Tso’s Chicken is sweeter and often has a thicker, more caramelized sauce.
  16. Can I make Kung Pao Chicken without peanuts?
    • Yes, you can omit peanuts if you have allergies or prefer not to use them. Substitute with cashews or simply leave them out.
  17. What is the difference between Kung Pao Chicken and Szechuan Chicken?
    • Kung Pao Chicken is a specific dish known for its spicy and tangy flavors with peanuts, while Szechuan Chicken (or Sichuan Chicken) refers to a broader style of cooking from the Sichuan province of China, known for its bold, spicy flavors using Szechuan peppercorns and chili peppers.
  18. How do you prevent chicken from becoming tough in Kung Pao Chicken?
    • Velveting the chicken (briefly blanching in hot water or broth) before stir-frying helps keep it tender. Stir-fry over high heat for a short time to avoid overcooking.
  19. What is the best oil for stir-frying Kung Pao Chicken?
    • Use oils with a high smoke point such as peanut oil, vegetable oil, or canola oil for stir-frying. Sesame oil is added for flavor but should not be used as the primary cooking oil due to its lower smoke point.
  20. How do you adjust the spiciness of Kung Pao Chicken?
    • To make it milder, reduce the amount of chili paste or dried red chilies. For extra spice, add more chili paste or use hotter varieties of chili peppers.

These answers should help clarify common questions about Spicy Kung Pao Chicken Stir-Fry, making it easier to prepare and enjoy this delicious dish at home.