S mores Crunchwraps


S’mores Crunchwraps 🍫


  • Tortillas
  • Chocolate bars
  • Graham crackers
  • Marshmallow fluff
  • Butter


  1. Prepare the Crunchwraps:
    • Preheat a large skillet over medium heat.
    • Place a tortilla on a flat surface.
    • Spread a generous layer of marshmallow fluff in the center of the tortilla, leaving some space around the edges.
  2. Assemble the Filling:
    • Break a graham cracker into smaller pieces and place them over the marshmallow fluff.
    • Add pieces of chocolate bar on top of the graham cracker.
  3. Fold and Shape:
    • Fold the edges of the tortilla up and over the filling towards the center, creating a hexagonal shape with folded edges.
  4. Cooking the Crunchwraps:
    • Melt a small amount of butter in the preheated skillet.
    • Carefully place the crunchwrap seam side down in the skillet.
    • Cook for about 2-3 minutes, or until the bottom is golden brown and crispy.
  5. Flip and Cook:
    • Carefully flip the crunchwrap to cook the other side.
    • Cook for another 2-3 minutes, or until the second side is golden brown and the chocolate inside is melted.
  6. Serve:
    • Remove the crunchwrap from the skillet and let it cool slightly before serving.
    • Optionally, dust with powdered sugar or drizzle with chocolate syrup for extra sweetness.
  7. Enjoy!
    • Serve warm and enjoy the gooey, chocolatey, marshmallow-filled goodness of your S’mores Crunchwrap!


  • Experiment with different types of chocolate bars (milk chocolate, dark chocolate) for varying flavors.
  • Ensure the skillet is not too hot to prevent burning the tortilla before the chocolate melts.
  • Customize with additional toppings like sliced bananas or strawberries for added flavor and freshness.

This fun twist on classic S’mores combines the convenience of a crunchwrap with the delicious flavors of everyone’s favorite campfire treat!

Here are some helpful tips to make your S’mores Crunchwraps even more delightful:

Ingredients Tips:

  1. Quality Chocolate: Use high-quality chocolate bars for a richer and smoother texture when melted. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or even flavored chocolate bars can add variety.
  2. Fresh Graham Crackers: Opt for fresh graham crackers that are crisp and not stale to ensure a satisfying crunch.
  3. Marshmallow Fluff Consistency: If the marshmallow fluff is too stiff, warm it slightly in the microwave to make it easier to spread evenly.

Assembly Tips:

  1. Even Distribution: Spread the marshmallow fluff, graham cracker pieces, and chocolate evenly across the tortilla to ensure every bite has a balanced mix of flavors.
  2. Size of Tortilla: Use larger tortillas if you prefer more filling or if you want to fold the edges neatly without overcrowding.
  3. Folding Technique: Fold the edges of the tortilla over the filling tightly but gently to create a snug package that holds together while cooking.

Cooking Tips:

  1. Preheating the Skillet: Ensure the skillet is preheated over medium heat before adding the crunchwraps to achieve a golden brown, crispy exterior.
  2. Buttering the Skillet: Use a small amount of butter or non-stick cooking spray in the skillet to prevent sticking and to enhance flavor.
  3. Flipping Carefully: When flipping the crunchwraps, use a spatula to support the folded edges to prevent them from unfolding or losing shape.

Serving Tips:

  1. Cooling Time: Allow the S’mores Crunchwraps to cool slightly after cooking to avoid burning your mouth while enjoying the melted chocolate and marshmallow filling.
  2. Presentation: Serve the crunchwraps on a plate or in a parchment-lined basket for a fun and appealing presentation, especially for parties or gatherings.
  3. Garnish Options: Sprinkle powdered sugar lightly over the top before serving for a touch of sweetness and a visually appealing finish.

Variations and Enhancements:

  1. Nutty Crunch: Add a sprinkle of chopped nuts like almonds or pecans for extra texture and flavor.
  2. Fruit Additions: Slice fresh strawberries, bananas, or raspberries and add them to the filling for a fruity twist.
  3. Caramel Drizzle: Drizzle caramel sauce over the cooled crunchwraps for an indulgent treat.

Storage Tips:

  1. Freshness: Enjoy S’mores Crunchwraps immediately for the best taste and texture, as they may become soggy if stored for too long.
  2. Reheating: If reheating leftovers, use a toaster oven or bake in the oven briefly to crisp up the tortilla again without overheating the chocolate.

Creative Ideas:

  1. Mini Crunchwraps: Make smaller-sized crunchwraps using smaller tortillas for bite-sized treats that are perfect for parties or as a dessert sampler.
  2. Grilled Variation: Instead of using a skillet, grill the crunchwraps on a griddle or outdoor grill for a smoky flavor and charred tortilla edges.
  3. Ice Cream Addition: Serve alongside a scoop of vanilla ice cream for an ultimate indulgence of warm and cold flavors.

By following these tips, you can elevate your S’mores Crunchwraps to a delightful and memorable dessert that everyone will enjoy!

Here are 40 secrets to help you achieve S’mores Crunchwrap perfection:

Ingredients and Preparation:

  1. High-Quality Chocolate: Use good quality chocolate bars for a creamy and smooth filling when melted.
  2. Fresh Graham Crackers: Ensure graham crackers are fresh and crisp to maintain a satisfying crunch.
  3. Marshmallow Fluff Consistency: Warm marshmallow fluff slightly to make it easier to spread evenly on the tortilla.
  4. Room Temperature Ingredients: Allow ingredients like chocolate bars and marshmallow fluff to come to room temperature for easier spreading and melting.
  5. Large Tortillas: Use large tortillas to comfortably wrap the filling without overcrowding.

Assembly Tips:

  1. Even Distribution: Spread marshmallow fluff, graham cracker pieces, and chocolate evenly across the tortilla to ensure a balanced mix of flavors in each bite.
  2. Compact Filling: Press down gently on the filling as you fold the tortilla to ensure the crunchwrap holds together while cooking.
  3. Seam Closure: Seal the edges tightly to prevent the filling from leaking during cooking.
  4. Chilled Ingredients: If the kitchen is warm, chill the chocolate bars slightly before assembly to prevent them from melting too quickly.

Cooking Techniques:

  1. Medium Heat: Preheat the skillet over medium heat to ensure even cooking and prevent burning.
  2. Butter or Oil: Use a small amount of butter or non-stick cooking spray in the skillet to crisp up the tortilla and enhance flavor.
  3. Even Cooking: Cook the crunchwrap seam side down first to seal it, then flip carefully to cook the other side until golden brown.
  4. Flipping Technique: Use a large spatula to flip the crunchwrap gently to avoid spilling the filling.

Serving Tips:

  1. Cooling Time: Allow the crunchwraps to cool for a few minutes before serving to prevent burning and allow the filling to set.
  2. Presentation: Serve on a plate lined with parchment paper for easy cleanup and a nice presentation.
  3. Garnish Options: Dust with powdered sugar or drizzle with chocolate syrup before serving for added sweetness and presentation.

Flavor Enhancements:

  1. Nutty Crunch: Add a sprinkle of chopped nuts like almonds or pecans for extra texture and flavor.
  2. Fruit Additions: Include fresh fruit slices such as strawberries or bananas for a fruity twist.
  3. Caramel Drizzle: Drizzle with caramel sauce for an indulgent finish.

Variations and Customization:

  1. Grilled Variation: Grill the crunchwraps on a griddle or outdoor grill for a smoky flavor.
  2. Mini Crunchwraps: Make smaller-sized crunchwraps using smaller tortillas for bite-sized treats.
  3. Ice Cream Addition: Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a delightful contrast of warm and cold textures.

Storage and Reheating:

  1. Fresh Consumption: Enjoy immediately for the best taste and texture, as the tortilla may become soggy over time.
  2. Reheating: If reheating leftovers, use an oven or toaster oven to crisp up the tortilla without overheating the filling.

Cooking Equipment:

  1. Non-Stick Skillet: Use a non-stick skillet for easy flipping and to prevent the tortilla from sticking.
  2. Cast Iron Skillet: A cast iron skillet can also provide a nice crisp to the tortilla.

Seasoning and Adjustments:

  1. Seasoning Tortillas: Lightly brush the tortillas with melted butter or oil before cooking for added flavor and crispness.
  2. Cinnamon Sugar Dusting: Sprinkle the tortilla with cinnamon sugar before adding the filling for a sweet kick.

Tips for Kids and Parties:

  1. Kid-Friendly Size: Make smaller crunchwraps for children’s parties or smaller appetites.
  2. Interactive Dessert: Let guests assemble their own crunchwraps with different fillings for a fun and interactive dessert station.

Dietary Considerations:

  1. Gluten-Free Option: Use gluten-free tortillas and graham crackers to accommodate gluten-free diets.
  2. Dairy-Free Option: Substitute dairy-free chocolate and marshmallow alternatives for a dairy-free version.


  1. Prevent Leakage: Seal the edges of the tortilla tightly to prevent filling from leaking during cooking.
  2. Controlled Heat: Adjust heat as needed to prevent burning while ensuring the filling melts and heats through.

Time-Saving Tips:

  1. Prep Ahead: Prepare ingredients ahead of time and assemble just before cooking to save time.
  2. Batch Cooking: Cook multiple crunchwraps simultaneously if cooking for a crowd.

Creative Ideas:

  1. Seasonal Twists: Experiment with seasonal ingredients like pumpkin spice or peppermint during the holidays.
  2. Breakfast Variation: Create a breakfast crunchwrap with scrambled eggs, bacon, and cheese for a savory twist.


  1. Plating: Arrange crunchwraps on a platter with fresh berries or mint leaves for an elegant presentation.
  2. Variety: Offer a variety of fillings and toppings to cater to different tastes and preferences.

By following these secrets, you’ll master the art of making S’mores Crunchwraps that are crispy, gooey, and utterly delightful for any occasion!

Here are 40 popular questions and answers related to S’mores Crunchwraps:

Ingredients and Assembly:

  1. What are S’mores Crunchwraps?
    • S’mores Crunchwraps are a dessert variation of the classic campfire treat, made with tortillas, marshmallow fluff, chocolate, and graham crackers.
  2. Can I use different types of chocolate in S’mores Crunchwraps?
    • Yes, you can use milk chocolate, dark chocolate, or even flavored chocolate bars to suit your taste.
  3. Where can I find marshmallow fluff for the recipe?
    • Marshmallow fluff is typically found in the baking aisle of most grocery stores, or you can order it online.
  4. Do I have to use graham crackers, or can I substitute with something else?
    • Graham crackers provide the classic S’mores flavor and texture, but you can experiment with other crunchy biscuits or cookies.
  5. Can I make my own marshmallow fluff for the crunchwraps?
    • Yes, you can make homemade marshmallow fluff using recipes available online, but ensure it’s a spreadable consistency.
  6. How do I prevent the tortilla from getting soggy?
    • Spread the marshmallow fluff evenly and not too close to the edges, and cook the crunchwraps on medium heat to ensure a crisp tortilla.
  7. Can I add extra ingredients like nuts or fruits to the crunchwraps?
    • Absolutely! Chopped nuts, sliced bananas, or berries can add extra flavor and texture to your S’mores Crunchwraps.
  8. What size tortillas should I use for the crunchwraps?
    • Use large flour tortillas that are sturdy enough to hold the filling and fold over without tearing.
  9. Do I need to warm the tortillas before assembling the crunchwraps?
    • Warming the tortillas slightly can make them more pliable for folding, but it’s not necessary if they are fresh and soft.

Cooking and Serving:

  1. Can I bake the S’mores Crunchwraps instead of cooking them on a skillet?
    • It’s best to cook them on a skillet to achieve a crispy exterior, but you can experiment with baking them in the oven.
  2. How do I know when the crunchwraps are cooked through?
    • Cook each side for about 2-3 minutes on medium heat or until golden brown and the chocolate inside is melted.
  3. Can I use a sandwich press to make S’mores Crunchwraps?
    • Yes, a sandwich press can also be used to cook the crunchwraps evenly on both sides.
  4. Do I need to use butter or oil in the skillet?
    • Using a small amount of butter or non-stick cooking spray helps to crisp up the tortilla and prevent sticking.
  5. How do I flip the crunchwraps without the filling falling out?
    • Use a large spatula to carefully flip the crunchwraps, supporting the edges to keep the filling intact.
  6. Can I make S’mores Crunchwraps ahead of time?
    • It’s best to assemble and cook them just before serving to maintain their crispness and gooey filling.
  7. How should I store leftover S’mores Crunchwraps?
    • Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator and reheat in the oven or toaster oven for best results.
  8. Can I freeze S’mores Crunchwraps?
    • It’s not recommended to freeze them as the texture may become soggy upon thawing.

Flavor and Customization:

  1. How can I make S’mores Crunchwraps more chocolaty?
    • Use extra chocolate pieces or a different chocolate variety with higher cocoa content for a richer flavor.
  2. Can I add peanut butter to the crunchwraps?
    • Yes, peanut butter can be a delicious addition, but ensure it’s spread thinly to avoid overpowering the other flavors.
  3. What other toppings can I add to the crunchwraps?
    • Consider toppings like shredded coconut, caramel sauce, or a sprinkle of sea salt for added flavor complexity.
  4. How can I make S’mores Crunchwraps less sweet?
    • Use dark chocolate or reduce the amount of marshmallow fluff for a less sweet variation.

Dietary Considerations:

  1. Are S’mores Crunchwraps gluten-free?
    • They are not gluten-free due to the use of flour tortillas and graham crackers. Look for gluten-free alternatives for a similar recipe.
  2. Can I make dairy-free or vegan S’mores Crunchwraps?
    • Use dairy-free chocolate, vegan marshmallow fluff, and vegan graham crackers for a dairy-free or vegan version.

Presentation and Serving Ideas:

  1. How should I serve S’mores Crunchwraps?
    • Serve warm with a dusting of powdered sugar or a drizzle of chocolate syrup for a visually appealing presentation.
  2. Are S’mores Crunchwraps suitable for parties or gatherings?
    • Yes, they are a fun and interactive dessert that can be enjoyed by guests of all ages.


  1. What should I do if the tortilla tears when folding?
    • Use extra care when folding and pressing the edges firmly to seal any tears before cooking.
  2. How can I prevent the filling from leaking out during cooking?
    • Ensure the edges of the tortilla are folded tightly and use a generous amount of marshmallow fluff to act as a binder.

Nutritional Information:

  1. How many calories are in one S’mores Crunchwrap?
    • Caloric content can vary based on ingredients, but typically, one crunchwrap ranges around 300-400 calories.
  2. What is the nutritional value of S’mores Crunchwraps?
    • They are high in carbohydrates and sugars due to the chocolate, marshmallow fluff, and graham crackers.

Safety and Cooking Tips:

  1. Is it safe to cook marshmallow fluff?
    • Yes, marshmallow fluff is safe to cook as it melts and becomes gooey when heated.
  2. Can children help make S’mores Crunchwraps?
    • Yes, children can assist with assembly under adult supervision, especially when handling hot skillets.

Flavor Pairings:

  1. What beverages pair well with S’mores Crunchwraps?
    • Serve with hot chocolate, coffee, or milk for a classic pairing.
  2. Can I serve alcoholic beverages with S’mores Crunchwraps?
    • Yes, consider pairing with a dessert wine or a coffee liqueur-based cocktail for adult gatherings.

Cultural and Historical Context:

  1. What is the origin of S’mores Crunchwraps?
    • S’mores Crunchwraps are a modern twist on traditional S’mores, popularized in casual dining and home cooking.

Cooking Techniques:

  1. Why do you cook S’mores Crunchwraps seam side down first?
    • Cooking seam side down first helps seal the edges and prevent the filling from leaking during cooking.
  2. Can I use a different cooking method instead of a skillet?
    • Yes, you can use a griddle or even a panini press for cooking, adjusting cooking times as needed.

Special Occasions:

  1. Are S’mores Crunchwraps suitable for birthdays or celebrations?
    • Yes, they are a festive and delicious dessert that can be customized with toppings and decorations.

Allergies and Dietary Restrictions:

  1. Are S’mores Crunchwraps nut-free?
    • They can be nut-free if nuts are omitted or added as an optional topping, but check ingredient labels for allergens.
  2. Can I make low-sugar S’mores Crunchwraps?
    • Reduce the amount of chocolate and use a sugar-free marshmallow fluff for a lower sugar option.

Environmental Impact:

  1. What is the environmental impact of making S’mores Crunchwraps?
    • Reduce environmental impact by choosing sustainable chocolate brands and locally sourced ingredients where possible.

These questions cover a wide range of topics related to preparing, serving, and enjoying S’mores Crunchwraps, ensuring you have all the information to create and customize this delicious dessert!