Long John Silver s batter


Here’s a recipe for Long John Silver’s-style batter that you can use to coat seafood or chicken before frying:


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 cup club soda, cold


  1. Prepare the Batter:
    • In a large mixing bowl, combine the all-purpose flour, cornstarch, baking powder, salt, sugar, baking soda, onion powder, and garlic powder. Whisk together until well blended.
  2. Add Club Soda:
    • Slowly pour the cold club soda into the dry ingredients while continuously whisking. This helps create a smooth batter. Whisk until the batter is well combined and smooth.
  3. Let the Batter Rest:
    • Let the batter sit for a few minutes to thicken slightly. This resting period allows the ingredients to hydrate and ensures a better coating consistency.
  4. Coat Seafood or Chicken:
    • Dip your choice of seafood (like fish fillets, shrimp, or scallops) or chicken pieces into the batter, making sure each piece is evenly coated.
  5. Fry the Coated Pieces:
    • Heat vegetable oil in a deep fryer or a large pot to 350°F (175°C).
    • Carefully place the battered seafood or chicken into the hot oil, a few pieces at a time, making sure not to overcrowd the fryer.
    • Fry until golden brown and crispy, usually about 3-4 minutes per side depending on the thickness of the pieces. Use a slotted spoon or tongs to turn them halfway through cooking for even browning.
  6. Drain and Serve:
    • Once golden and crispy, remove the fried pieces from the oil and place them on a plate lined with paper towels to drain excess oil.
  7. Serve Hot:
    • Serve the hot and crispy seafood or chicken immediately, accompanied by your favorite dipping sauces like tartar sauce, cocktail sauce, or lemon wedges.

Recipe Notes:

  • Adjust the seasoning to your taste preferences. You can increase or decrease the amount of salt, onion powder, or garlic powder based on your liking.
  • Ensure the club soda is cold for a lighter and crispier batter.
  • Use a thermometer to monitor the oil temperature to ensure proper frying.

Enjoy this homemade version of Long John Silver’s batter, perfect for recreating a beloved fast-food treat at home!

Creating the perfect Long John Silver’s batter involves a combination of techniques and ingredients to achieve that signature crispy texture and flavor. Here are 20 tips and secrets to help you achieve it:

  1. Cold Ingredients: Start with cold ingredients, especially cold water or beer, to help create a light and crispy batter.
  2. Beer Batter: Substitute part of the water with beer for extra flavor and a lighter texture.
  3. Mixing Technique: Mix the batter gently to avoid overdeveloping gluten, which can make the batter tough.
  4. Resting Time: Let the batter rest for 10-15 minutes before using it to allow the gluten to relax and the flavors to meld.
  5. Seasoning: Season the batter generously with salt, pepper, and a hint of paprika or cayenne for a bit of heat.
  6. Flour Blend: Use a mix of all-purpose flour and cornstarch for a lighter, crispier texture.
  7. Baking Powder: Add a small amount of baking powder to the batter to create bubbles for a lighter, fluffier coating.
  8. Consistency: Aim for a batter that is thick enough to coat the fish or seafood well but thin enough to drip off slightly when lifted.
  9. Dry the Fish: Pat the fish or seafood dry with paper towels before dipping it into the batter to ensure the batter adheres well.
  10. Hot Oil: Heat the oil to the correct temperature (around 350°F/175°C) before frying to achieve a crispy exterior.
  11. Deep Frying: Use enough oil to fully submerge the fish or seafood for even cooking and browning.
  12. Frying Time: Fry in small batches to avoid overcrowding the pan, which can lower the oil temperature and make the batter soggy.
  13. Draining: Place the fried fish or seafood on a wire rack rather than paper towels to prevent it from becoming soggy from steam.
  14. Season Immediately: Season the fried items with salt and pepper as soon as they come out of the oil to ensure the seasoning sticks to the hot batter.
  15. Serve Immediately: Serve the fried items immediately for the best texture and flavor.
  16. Accompaniments: Serve with traditional sides like coleslaw, fries, or hush puppies to complement the dish.
  17. Fresh Oil: Ensure the frying oil is fresh and not reused too many times to maintain the best flavor and crispiness.
  18. Quality Ingredients: Use fresh fish or seafood and high-quality flour for the best results.
  19. Practice: Perfecting batter frying takes practice, so don’t be discouraged if your first attempts aren’t flawless.
  20. Experiment: Adjust the seasoning and batter thickness to your taste preferences and to match the type of fish or seafood you are frying.

By following these tips and experimenting with the technique, you can create a batter that closely mimics the delicious crispy coating of Long John Silver’s signature dishes. Enjoy your cooking!

Here are 20 commonly asked questions and answers related to Long John Silver’s batter:

  1. What is Long John Silver’s batter made of? Long John Silver’s batter is primarily made from flour, cornstarch, baking powder, salt, pepper, and other seasonings.
  2. Is Long John Silver’s batter gluten-free? No, Long John Silver’s batter contains flour, so it is not gluten-free.
  3. How is Long John Silver’s batter prepared? The batter is prepared by mixing flour, cornstarch, baking powder, salt, pepper, and water until smooth and then used to coat seafood or chicken before frying.
  4. Can you buy Long John Silver’s batter? Long John Silver’s batter mix is not typically sold separately in stores, but similar batter mixes can be found in some grocery stores.
  5. Does Long John Silver’s batter contain eggs? No, the traditional batter recipe used by Long John Silver’s does not include eggs.
  6. What kind of fish does Long John Silver’s use in their batter? Long John Silver’s primarily uses cod or pollock in their battered fish dishes.
  7. How long do you fry Long John Silver’s battered fish? The frying time can vary depending on the thickness of the fish, but typically, it takes about 3-4 minutes per side until golden brown and crispy.
  8. What is the calorie count of Long John Silver’s battered fish? The calorie count can vary, but a typical serving of Long John Silver’s battered fish contains around 250-300 calories.
  9. Can you bake Long John Silver’s battered fish? Yes, you can bake the battered fish in an oven at around 425°F for 20-25 minutes until crispy.
  10. Is Long John Silver’s batter spicy? Long John Silver’s batter is not typically spicy, but it does have a seasoned flavor from the added salt, pepper, and other spices.
  11. What sides go well with Long John Silver’s battered fish? Common sides include French fries, coleslaw, hush puppies, and corn on the cob.
  12. How many pieces of fish are in a Long John Silver’s meal? A typical Long John Silver’s meal includes two pieces of battered fish.
  13. Can you make Long John Silver’s batter at home? Yes, you can make a similar batter at home using flour, cornstarch, baking powder, salt, pepper, and water.
  14. Does Long John Silver’s use beer batter? Long John Silver’s typically uses a water-based batter, not beer batter.
  15. Is Long John Silver’s batter the same as Captain D’s? While both restaurants offer battered fish, the specific recipes and ingredients may vary.
  16. Is Long John Silver’s batter suitable for vegetarians? Long John Silver’s batter is typically used for seafood and chicken, so it’s not suitable for strict vegetarians.
  17. What kind of oil does Long John Silver’s use for frying? Long John Silver’s uses a blend of oils for frying, typically including soybean oil or canola oil.
  18. Does Long John Silver’s batter contain MSG? Long John Silver’s batter does not typically contain MSG, but specific ingredients may vary.
  19. Can you order Long John Silver’s batter online? Long John Silver’s batter mix is not commonly available for online purchase from the restaurant.
  20. Does Long John Silver’s offer a gluten-free batter option? No, Long John Silver’s does not offer a gluten-free batter option due to the flour used in their batter recipe.