Homemade Uncrustables


That sounds like a fantastic idea! Here’s a recipe for homemade Uncrustables:


  • 1 loaf of sandwich bread (white or whole wheat)
  • Creamy peanut butter
  • Strawberry jam
  • Honey
  • Nutella (optional)
  • Butter or margarine (for sealing)


  1. Prepare the Bread:
    • Lay out slices of sandwich bread on a clean work surface. You can use any type of bread you prefer, whether it’s white, whole wheat, or multigrain.
  2. Spread Fillings:
    • Spread a layer of peanut butter on one side of each slice of bread. Make sure to spread it all the way to the edges to create a seal.
    • On half of the bread slices, spread a layer of strawberry jam, honey, or Nutella, depending on your preference. Leave a small border around the edges to prevent the filling from oozing out.
  3. Assemble the Uncrustables:
    • Place the slices with just peanut butter on top of the slices with the jam, honey, or Nutella, creating sandwiches. Press down gently to seal the edges.
  4. Cut into Rounds:
    • Use a round cookie cutter or a drinking glass with a sharp edge to cut out circles from the assembled sandwiches. Press firmly to cut through the bread and filling.
  5. Seal the Edges:
    • Use a fork to press down around the edges of each sandwich, sealing them tightly. This will help prevent the filling from leaking out during storage.
  6. Freeze:
    • Place the assembled Uncrustables on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Make sure they’re not touching each other to prevent them from sticking together.
    • Transfer the baking sheet to the freezer and freeze the Uncrustables for about 1-2 hours, or until they’re firm and solid.
  7. Storage:
    • Once frozen, transfer the Uncrustables to a resealable plastic bag or an airtight container. Label the bag/container with the date and store them in the freezer.
    • They can be kept in the freezer for up to a month.
  8. Thaw and Enjoy:
    • When ready to eat, simply take out the desired number of Uncrustables from the freezer and let them thaw at room temperature for about 20-30 minutes before eating.
    • Enjoy your homemade Uncrustables as a convenient and delicious snack or lunch option!

Feel free to experiment with different fillings like banana slices, marshmallow fluff, or even savory options like cheese and ham. The possibilities are endless!

Here are some tips to make your Homemade Uncrustables even more delightful:

  1. Use High-Quality Ingredients: Opt for good-quality bread, peanut butter, and jam or other fillings. Using fresh, high-quality ingredients will enhance the flavor and overall enjoyment of your Uncrustables.
  2. Customize Fillings: Get creative with your fillings! Experiment with different types of nut butters (like almond or cashew butter), fruit preserves, jams, jellies, honey, or even cream cheese. You can also mix and match fillings to create unique flavor combinations.
  3. Layer Fillings Strategically: Layer the fillings strategically to prevent the bread from becoming soggy. Spread a thin layer of peanut butter on both slices of bread, then add your desired filling in the center, leaving a small border around the edges.
  4. Seal Thoroughly: Ensure that the edges of your Uncrustables are sealed tightly to prevent the filling from leaking out during storage. Press down firmly with a fork or use a specialized sandwich sealer/crimper tool for a secure seal.
  5. Prevent Freezer Burn: To prevent freezer burn, individually wrap each Uncrustable in plastic wrap or wax paper before storing them in a resealable freezer bag or container. This will help maintain freshness and prevent ice crystals from forming.
  6. Cut Evenly: Use a round cookie cutter or biscuit cutter to cut out your Uncrustables. Press down firmly and evenly to ensure clean, uniform edges.
  7. Variety of Shapes: Get creative with shapes! Instead of traditional circles, try using fun-shaped cookie cutters to cut out your Uncrustables. Stars, hearts, or even dinosaurs can add a playful touch to your snacks.
  8. Personalize Portions: Consider making mini-sized Uncrustables for bite-sized snacks or appetizers. You can also adjust the size of your sandwiches to fit your preference or dietary needs.
  9. Enhance with Spices: Add a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg to your peanut butter or sprinkle some powdered sugar on top of your Uncrustables for an extra flavor boost.
  10. Serve with Dipping Sauces: Serve your Homemade Uncrustables with dipping sauces like chocolate sauce, caramel dip, or yogurt for added indulgence and variety.

By incorporating these tips, you can take your Homemade Uncrustables to the next level and create delicious, personalized snacks or lunches that everyone will love!

Here are some secrets to achieving the perfect Homemade Uncrustables:

  1. Chill the Bread: Before assembling your Uncrustables, consider chilling the bread slices in the refrigerator for about 15-30 minutes. Chilled bread is easier to work with and less likely to tear or crumble when cutting and sealing.
  2. Even Spreading: When spreading the peanut butter and other fillings, aim for an even layer across the entire surface of the bread. This ensures that every bite is filled with delicious flavor and prevents the fillings from oozing out during storage.
  3. Use a Sandwich Sealer: Invest in a sandwich sealer or crust cutter tool for perfectly sealed edges. These tools not only cut the crust off uniformly but also seal the edges tightly, preventing the filling from leaking out.
  4. Trim Excess Bread: After sealing the edges, trim any excess bread around the edges of the Uncrustables for a neat and tidy appearance. This step also helps ensure that the sandwiches are evenly sized and sealed.
  5. Press Firmly: When sealing the edges of the Uncrustables, press down firmly with a fork or the sandwich sealer to create a tight seal. This helps prevent the fillings from escaping and keeps the sandwiches intact during storage and handling.
  6. Double Layer of Peanut Butter: To prevent the bread from becoming soggy, consider spreading a thin layer of peanut butter on both sides of each bread slice before adding other fillings. This acts as a barrier and helps maintain the texture of the bread.
  7. Individual Wrapping: Individually wrap each Uncrustable in plastic wrap or wax paper before storing them in the freezer. This not only helps prevent freezer burn but also makes it easy to grab one sandwich at a time for a quick snack or lunch.
  8. Label and Date: Don’t forget to label and date your Homemade Uncrustables before storing them in the freezer. This ensures that you know what’s inside each sandwich and helps you keep track of their freshness.
  9. Thawing Tips: When ready to eat, allow the Uncrustables to thaw at room temperature for about 20-30 minutes before serving. You can also place them in the refrigerator overnight for slower thawing.
  10. Experiment with Fillings: Get creative with your fillings! Try different combinations of nut butters, jams, jellies, fruit slices, or even savory options like cheese and deli meats to suit your taste preferences.

By following these secrets, you’ll be well on your way to creating the perfect Homemade Uncrustables that are delicious, convenient, and loved by all!

Here are some commonly asked questions and their answers related to Homemade Uncrustables:

  1. Can I use any type of bread for Homemade Uncrustables? Yes, you can use any type of bread you prefer, such as white, whole wheat, or multigrain. Just make sure the bread slices are soft and fresh for easier sealing.
  2. How long do Homemade Uncrustables last in the freezer? Homemade Uncrustables can be stored in the freezer for up to 1-2 months. Make sure to wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or wax paper and store them in an airtight container or resealable freezer bag to prevent freezer burn.
  3. Can I make Homemade Uncrustables ahead of time? Yes, you can make Homemade Uncrustables ahead of time and store them in the freezer for quick and convenient snacks or lunches. They’re perfect for meal prep and can be made in large batches.
  4. How do I thaw Homemade Uncrustables? To thaw Homemade Uncrustables, simply remove them from the freezer and let them sit at room temperature for about 20-30 minutes. Alternatively, you can place them in the refrigerator overnight for slower thawing.
  5. Can I customize the fillings in Homemade Uncrustables? Absolutely! You can customize the fillings in Homemade Uncrustables to suit your taste preferences. Experiment with different combinations of peanut butter, jelly, jam, honey, Nutella, cream cheese, or even sliced fruits like bananas or strawberries.
  6. How do I seal the edges of Homemade Uncrustables? You can seal the edges of Homemade Uncrustables by pressing down firmly with a fork or using a specialized sandwich sealer or crust cutter tool. Make sure to press around the entire perimeter of the sandwich to create a tight seal.
  7. Can Homemade Uncrustables be served warm? While Homemade Uncrustables are typically enjoyed cold or at room temperature, you can also heat them in the microwave for a few seconds if desired. Just be careful not to overheat them, as the fillings may become too hot.
  8. Are Homemade Uncrustables suitable for school lunches? Yes, Homemade Uncrustables are perfect for school lunches! They’re convenient, portable, and can be made with wholesome ingredients. Plus, you can customize them to cater to your child’s preferences.
  9. Can I make Homemade Uncrustables without peanut butter? Yes, you can make Homemade Uncrustables without peanut butter if you have allergies or dietary restrictions. Simply substitute peanut butter with almond butter, cashew butter, sunflower seed butter, or any other nut or seed butter of your choice.
  10. Are Homemade Uncrustables healthier than store-bought versions? Homemade Uncrustables can be healthier than store-bought versions because you have control over the ingredients used. You can choose whole grain bread, natural peanut butter, and low-sugar fruit spreads to make a healthier alternative. Additionally, Homemade Uncrustables don’t contain any preservatives or artificial additives commonly found in store-bought versions.

These answers should address many common questions related to Homemade Uncrustables. If you have any specific concerns or queries, feel free to ask!