Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice



Easy Broccoli, Chicken, Rice, and Cheese Casserole


  • 2 packs of Knorr chicken and rice sides
  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 2 cans (10.5 ounces each) cream of chicken soup
  • 3 cups chicken stock
  • 1 pack (about 12 ounces) frozen broccoli florets
  • 1 cup shredded cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, or your favorite)


  1. Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to 365°F (185°C). Grease a 9×13 inch baking dish with cooking spray or butter.
  2. Combine Ingredients: In the prepared baking dish, add the Knorr chicken and rice sides, chicken breast pieces, cream of chicken soup, and chicken stock. Stir well to combine all ingredients evenly.
  3. Add Broccoli: Mix in the frozen broccoli florets, distributing them evenly throughout the casserole mixture.
  4. Bake: Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil and bake in the preheated oven for 45 minutes.
  5. Add Cheese: After 45 minutes, remove the foil from the baking dish. Sprinkle the shredded cheese evenly over the top of the casserole.
  6. Bake Again: Return the uncovered casserole to the oven and bake for another 10 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
  7. Serve: Remove from the oven and let it rest for a few minutes before serving. Enjoy your delicious and easy Broccoli, Chicken, Rice, and Cheese Casserole!

Note: Ensure the chicken is cooked through to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) for safe consumption.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 55 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes
Servings: 6-8


  • For added flavor, season the chicken with salt, pepper, and any other desired herbs or spices before adding to the casserole.
  • You can customize this casserole by adding diced onions, bell peppers, or mushrooms along with the broccoli.
  • Let the casserole cool completely before storing leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in the oven or microwave before serving.

Here are some helpful tips to make your Easy Broccoli, Chicken, and Rice Casserole even more delightful:

  1. Use Fresh Ingredients: While the recipe calls for frozen broccoli, you can use fresh broccoli florets for a crisper texture and fresher flavor. Simply blanch the broccoli briefly before adding it to the casserole to ensure it cooks evenly.
  2. Season the Chicken: Before adding the chicken to the casserole, season it generously with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and any other favorite herbs or spices. This step ensures the chicken is flavorful throughout the dish.
  3. Enhance the Rice: Instead of using packaged rice sides, consider cooking your own rice with chicken broth and adding seasonings like thyme, paprika, or a bay leaf for added depth of flavor.
  4. Add Vegetables: Mix in additional vegetables like sliced bell peppers, diced carrots, or mushrooms to increase the nutritional value and add variety to the dish.
  5. Creamy Addition: For a creamier texture, stir in a half cup of sour cream or Greek yogurt along with the cream of chicken soup. This adds richness and tanginess to the casserole.
  6. Cheese Variety: Experiment with different types of cheese or a blend of cheeses. Sharp cheddar, mozzarella, or a mix of Parmesan and Monterey Jack can add different flavors to the dish.
  7. Crunchy Topping: Before baking, top the casserole with a layer of buttered breadcrumbs or crushed crackers for a crunchy texture contrast to the creamy casserole.
  8. Fresh Herbs: Garnish the casserole with freshly chopped herbs like parsley or chives just before serving to add a burst of fresh flavor and brighten the dish.
  9. Sauté Aromatics: Sauté diced onions or minced garlic in a bit of olive oil or butter before adding them to the casserole. This enhances the overall flavor profile of the dish.
  10. Adjust Seasonings: Taste the casserole mixture before baking and adjust the seasonings as needed to suit your preferences.
  11. Layer Ingredients: Layer the ingredients evenly in the baking dish to ensure each bite has a balance of chicken, rice, broccoli, and cheese.
  12. Use Homemade Chicken Stock: If possible, use homemade chicken stock instead of store-bought for richer flavor. You can also enhance store-bought stock with herbs and aromatics by simmering them together briefly.
  13. Cook Chicken Slightly Before Adding: For added flavor and to ensure even cooking, you can quickly sauté the chicken pieces in a pan with a little olive oil until lightly browned before adding them to the casserole.
  14. Add a Touch of Heat: If you enjoy spicy flavors, add a pinch of red pepper flakes or a dash of hot sauce to the casserole mixture before baking.
  15. Serve with a Side Salad: Serve the casserole with a crisp green salad dressed with a tangy vinaigrette to complement the creamy and savory flavors of the dish.

By incorporating these tips, you can elevate the flavors, textures, and overall enjoyment of your Easy Broccoli, Chicken, and Rice Casserole!

Here are 20 secrets to help you achieve perfection:

  1. Quality Ingredients: Use fresh, high-quality chicken breasts, fresh broccoli florets, and good-quality chicken stock for the best flavor.
  2. Season the Chicken: Season the chicken pieces generously with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and any other favorite herbs or spices before cooking.
  3. Pre-cook the Chicken: Sauté or grill the chicken briefly before adding it to the casserole. This adds flavor and ensures even cooking.
  4. Use Homemade Chicken Stock: If possible, use homemade chicken stock or broth for richer flavor. If using store-bought, enhance it with herbs and aromatics by simmering briefly.
  5. Add Aromatics: Sauté diced onions or minced garlic in butter or olive oil before adding them to the casserole for added depth of flavor.
  6. Layer Flavors: Layer the ingredients evenly in the baking dish to ensure each bite has a balance of chicken, rice, broccoli, and cheese.
  7. Enhance the Rice: Instead of packaged rice sides, cook your own rice with chicken broth and seasonings like thyme, paprika, or a bay leaf for added depth.
  8. Creamy Addition: Stir in a half cup of sour cream or Greek yogurt along with the cream of chicken soup for a creamier texture.
  9. Cheese Choice: Experiment with different cheeses or a blend of cheeses. Sharp cheddar, mozzarella, or a mix of Parmesan and Monterey Jack can add different flavors.
  10. Add Fresh Herbs: Garnish with freshly chopped herbs like parsley or chives just before serving to add freshness and brightness.
  11. Crunchy Topping: Top the casserole with buttered breadcrumbs or crushed crackers before baking for a crunchy texture contrast.
  12. Adjust Seasonings: Taste the casserole mixture before baking and adjust the seasonings as needed to suit your preferences.
  13. Use Fresh Broccoli: If using frozen broccoli, blanch it briefly in boiling water and then drain well to ensure it retains its texture and color.
  14. Even Distribution: Ensure all ingredients are mixed well in the baking dish for even cooking and flavor distribution.
  15. Cover While Baking: Cover the casserole with foil for the first part of baking to retain moisture and prevent the top from drying out.
  16. Bake at Moderate Temperature: Bake the casserole at around 365°F (185°C) to ensure even cooking without burning the cheese on top.
  17. Rest Before Serving: Let the casserole rest for a few minutes after baking to allow the flavors to meld together before serving.
  18. Serve with Accompaniments: Serve with a side salad dressed with a tangy vinaigrette or crusty bread to complement the creamy dish.
  19. Customize Vegetables: Mix in additional vegetables like sliced bell peppers, diced carrots, or mushrooms for added nutrition and variety.
  20. Make-Ahead Option: Prepare the casserole ahead of time, cover tightly, and refrigerate until ready to bake. Add extra baking time if baking from cold.

By following these secrets, you can create a delicious and satisfying Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice dish that will impress your family and guests!

Here are some popular questions and answers related to Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice:

  1. What is Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice?
    • Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice is a comforting casserole dish made with chicken, rice, broccoli, and usually a creamy sauce, often topped with cheese and baked until bubbly.
  2. How do you make Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice?
    • To make Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice, you typically combine cooked chicken, cooked rice, blanched broccoli florets, a creamy sauce (often made with cream of chicken soup or sour cream), and cheese. Everything is mixed together, topped with cheese, and baked until heated through and bubbly.
  3. What ingredients do I need for Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice?
    • You’ll need chicken (typically boneless, skinless breasts or thighs), rice, broccoli florets (fresh or frozen), cream of chicken soup or sour cream, chicken broth or stock, cheese (such as cheddar or mozzarella), and seasonings.
  4. Can I use frozen broccoli in Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice?
    • Yes, you can use frozen broccoli. It’s recommended to blanch the broccoli briefly in boiling water and drain well before adding it to the casserole to maintain texture and color.
  5. Can I use other vegetables besides broccoli?
    • Yes, you can customize the casserole by adding other vegetables like diced bell peppers, carrots, or mushrooms. Sauté them briefly before adding to ensure they cook evenly.
  6. How do I cook the chicken for Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice?
    • You can cook the chicken by either sautéing it in a pan until cooked through or using pre-cooked chicken. Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces before adding to the casserole.
  7. Can I use instant rice in Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice?
    • Instant rice can be used, but adjust the amount of liquid and cooking time accordingly as it cooks faster than regular rice.
  8. How do I prevent the rice from getting mushy in Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice?
    • Use the correct ratio of rice to liquid and do not overcook the casserole. Check the rice for doneness before removing from the oven.
  9. How long does Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice last in the refrigerator?
    • Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.
  10. Can I freeze Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice?
    • Yes, you can freeze the casserole before baking. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap and foil, and freeze for up to 3 months. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator before baking.
  11. How do I reheat Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice?
    • Reheat in the oven at a low temperature (around 300°F / 150°C) to prevent drying out, or in the microwave in short intervals, stirring occasionally.
  12. What can I serve with Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice?
    • Serve with a side salad, steamed vegetables, or crusty bread for a complete meal.
  13. How can I make Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice gluten-free?
    • Use gluten-free cream of chicken soup and ensure all other ingredients are gluten-free, including the rice.
  14. Can I make Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice ahead of time?
    • Yes, assemble the casserole ahead of time, cover tightly, and refrigerate until ready to bake. Add extra baking time if baking from cold.
  15. How do I know when Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice is done baking?
    • The casserole is done when it is heated through, the cheese is melted and bubbly, and the internal temperature reaches a safe level for the chicken.
  16. Can I add extra cheese on top of Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice?
    • Yes, sprinkle extra cheese on top before baking or during the last few minutes of baking for a cheesier casserole.
  17. How can I make Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice more flavorful?
    • Add additional seasonings like garlic powder, onion powder, or herbs like thyme or parsley to enhance the flavor.
  18. Can I add sour cream to Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice?
    • Yes, adding sour cream can give the casserole a creamier texture and tangy flavor. Mix it in with the other sauce ingredients before baking.
  19. What’s the best way to prevent the cheese from burning on top of Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice?
    • Cover the casserole with foil for most of the baking time and uncover it during the last few minutes to melt the cheese without burning.
  20. How can I make Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice more kid-friendly?
    • Use mild cheeses, add extra vegetables, and season the casserole mildly to suit children’s palates.

These answers should help guide you through making a delicious Easy Broccoli Chicken and Rice casserole with confidence!