Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta


Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta


  • 8 oz short cut pasta (penne, fusilli, or similar)
  • 4 strips of bacon, cut into small pieces
  • ¾ pound chicken breast, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • ⅓ cup chicken broth
  • 1 cup Marie’s Creamy Ranch Dressing
  • ½ tsp garlic powder
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Chopped parsley for garnish (optional)


  1. Cook the Pasta:
    • Cook the pasta according to the package directions until al dente. Drain and set aside.
  2. Cook the Bacon and Chicken:
    • In a large skillet, cook the bacon over medium heat until crispy. Remove the bacon from the pan and place on a paper towel-lined plate. Discard all but 1-2 teaspoons of the bacon grease.
    • Season the chicken pieces with salt and pepper. In the same skillet with the reserved bacon grease, brown the chicken over high heat for about 5-6 minutes, until browned and mostly cooked through. Remove from the pan and cover with foil to keep warm.
  3. Prepare the Sauce:
    • Pour the chicken broth, ranch dressing, and garlic powder into the skillet. Bring to a simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Let it cook for 4-5 minutes until the sauce starts to thicken slightly.
  4. Combine and Finish:
    • Add the cooked pasta, cooked chicken, and most of the cooked bacon (reserve some for garnish) into the skillet with the ranch sauce. Mix everything together until well coated with the sauce.
  5. Add Cheese and Serve:
    • Sprinkle the shredded cheddar cheese evenly over the pasta mixture in the skillet. Cover the skillet with a lid and let it cook for a few minutes until the cheese is melted and gooey.
  6. Serve:
    • Remove the skillet from heat. Sprinkle the reserved bacon pieces and chopped parsley (if using) over the top of the pasta. Serve warm and enjoy!


  • You can adjust the creaminess of the sauce by adding more or less ranch dressing according to your preference.
  • For an extra kick of flavor, sprinkle some grated Parmesan cheese over the pasta before serving.
  • This dish pairs well with a simple side salad or garlic bread for a complete meal.

Nutritional Information: (Approximate per serving)

  • Calories: About 600 kcal
  • Servings: 4

This Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta is a delightful blend of creamy ranch dressing, savory bacon, tender chicken, and cheesy goodness—a perfect dish for any day of the week!

Here are some tips to elevate your Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta and make it even more delightful:

  1. Use High-Quality Ingredients:
    • Opt for good quality bacon, chicken, and ranch dressing. Fresh ingredients can significantly enhance the flavor of the dish.
  2. Season Well:
    • Don’t skimp on seasoning the chicken. Season with salt and pepper before browning to ensure it’s flavorful throughout.
  3. Add Fresh Herbs:
    • Incorporate fresh herbs like parsley or chives for a pop of freshness and color. Sprinkle them over the pasta just before serving.
  4. Add a Hint of Heat:
    • If you like a bit of spice, consider adding a pinch of red pepper flakes or a dash of hot sauce to the ranch dressing sauce for a subtle kick.
  5. Variety in Cheese:
    • Experiment with different types of cheese or a blend of cheeses. Besides cheddar, try mozzarella, Parmesan, or a cheese blend that melts well.
  6. Roasted Garlic:
    • For added depth of flavor, roast a few cloves of garlic and mix them into the ranch dressing before combining with the pasta.
  7. Caramelized Onions:
    • Sauté thinly sliced onions until caramelized and sweet. Mix them in with the pasta and sauce for extra flavor complexity.
  8. Roasted Vegetables:
    • Roast some vegetables like cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, or zucchini and toss them into the pasta just before serving for added texture and nutrition.
  9. Bread Crumb Topping:
    • Toasted breadcrumbs seasoned with herbs and a bit of grated Parmesan can add a crunchy texture to the top of the dish.
  10. Finish with a Drizzle:
    • Just before serving, drizzle a small amount of extra virgin olive oil or a splash of balsamic vinegar over the pasta for a finishing touch of richness.

By incorporating these tips, you can enhance the flavors and textures of your Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta, making it even more delightful and memorable for your family and guests!

Achieving the perfect Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta involves attention to detail in each step. Here are 40 secrets to help you master this dish:


  1. Choose the Right Pasta: Opt for short cut pasta like penne, fusilli, or rigatoni that can hold the creamy sauce well.
  2. Bacon Selection: Use thick-cut bacon for better texture and flavor in your dish.
  3. Chicken Prep: Cut chicken into uniform bite-sized pieces to ensure even cooking.
  4. Seasoning Chicken: Season chicken liberally with salt and pepper before cooking to enhance its flavor.
  5. Fresh Ranch Dressing: Use a high-quality creamy ranch dressing, or make your own for a fresher taste.
  6. Cheese Choice: Select a good melting cheese like cheddar, mozzarella, or a blend for a creamy texture.
  7. Garnish with Herbs: Fresh herbs like parsley or chives add a burst of color and freshness to the finished dish.

Cooking: 8. Cook Pasta Al Dente: Ensure pasta is cooked just until firm to the bite (al dente) to prevent it from becoming mushy when mixed with the sauce.

  1. Crisp Bacon Perfectly: Cook bacon until crispy but not burnt to maintain its texture in the pasta.
  2. Render Bacon Fat: Save some bacon fat to cook the chicken for added flavor.
  3. High Heat for Chicken: Brown chicken over high heat to develop a nice golden crust and seal in juices.
  4. Deglaze with Chicken Broth: Use chicken broth to deglaze the pan after cooking bacon and chicken to incorporate all the flavorful bits into the sauce.
  5. Simmer to Thicken Sauce: Allow the ranch dressing mixture to simmer gently to thicken and meld flavors.
  6. Combine Ingredients Gradually: Add pasta, chicken, bacon, and cheese to the sauce in stages, mixing well to evenly coat each component.
  7. Cover to Melt Cheese: Cover the skillet briefly to help melt the cheese evenly over the pasta.
  8. Stir Gently: Toss the pasta gently with the sauce to avoid breaking up the pasta or overmixing.
  9. Adjust Consistency: If the sauce is too thick, add a splash of chicken broth or milk; if too thin, simmer a bit longer to reduce.
  10. Season at the End: Taste and adjust seasoning (salt, pepper, garlic powder) just before serving to balance flavors.

Flavor Enhancement: 19. Add Roasted Garlic: Mash roasted garlic cloves into the ranch dressing for extra depth of flavor.

  1. Infuse with Herbs: Simmer the sauce with fresh or dried herbs like thyme or oregano for added aroma.
  2. Splash of Lemon Juice: A small squeeze of lemon juice can brighten up the creamy sauce.
  3. Parmesan Rind: Add a piece of Parmesan rind to the sauce while simmering for extra umami richness.
  4. Caramelized Onions: Include caramelized onions for a sweet contrast to the savory bacon and ranch flavors.

Texture and Presentation: 24. Creamy Texture: Ensure the pasta is well-coated with the creamy ranch sauce for a luxurious texture.

  1. Balance Ingredients: Distribute chicken, bacon, and cheese evenly throughout the pasta for a balanced bite.
  2. Crunchy Topping: Sprinkle toasted breadcrumbs or crushed crackers on top before serving for a crunchy contrast.
  3. Fresh Garnish: Finish with a sprinkle of fresh herbs like parsley or chives for a vibrant finish.
  4. Drizzle of Olive Oil: A drizzle of extra virgin olive oil just before serving adds a silky richness.
  5. Serve Hot: Ensure the dish is served immediately after preparation to enjoy it at its best.

Variations and Adaptations: 30. Use Rotisserie Chicken: Save time by using shredded rotisserie chicken instead of cooking chicken breast.

  1. Turkey Bacon: Substitute turkey bacon for a leaner option with a slightly different flavor profile.
  2. Vegetarian Version: Omit chicken and bacon; add sautéed mushrooms or roasted vegetables for a vegetarian option.
  3. Gluten-Free Pasta: Use gluten-free pasta to accommodate dietary preferences.
  4. Spicy Twist: Add a pinch of cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes for a spicy kick.

Storage and Reheating: 35. Reheating Tip: Reheat gently over low heat to prevent the sauce from separating.

  1. Storage: Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
  2. Freezing: While pasta can be frozen, creamy sauces may separate upon thawing.

Pairing and Serving: 38. Side Salad: Serve with a crisp green salad dressed lightly with vinaigrette for a refreshing contrast.

  1. Garlic Bread: Enjoy with garlic bread or crusty bread for mopping up the creamy sauce.
  2. Wine Pairing: Pair with a light-bodied white wine like Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay to complement the creamy richness.

By following these secrets, you’ll be able to create a Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta that’s not only delicious but also perfectly balanced in flavor, texture, and presentation. Enjoy your cooking!

Here are 40 commonly asked questions and their answers related to Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta:

1. What kind of pasta is best for Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta?

  • Short cut pasta such as penne, fusilli, or rigatoni works best as they hold the creamy sauce well.

2. Can I use pre-cooked bacon for this recipe?

  • Yes, you can use pre-cooked bacon. Adjust the cooking time accordingly, and crisp it up in the skillet before proceeding.

3. How do I prevent the pasta from sticking together?

  • Stir the pasta occasionally while cooking, and after draining, toss it with a little olive oil to prevent sticking.

4. Can I make Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta ahead of time?

  • You can prepare components ahead (like cooking chicken and bacon), but it’s best to combine everything just before serving to maintain optimal texture and flavor.

5. Can I use a different type of meat instead of chicken?

  • Yes, you can substitute chicken with shrimp, turkey, or even cooked sausage.

6. How can I make this dish healthier?

  • Use whole wheat pasta, lean turkey bacon, and reduced-fat ranch dressing. Increase the amount of vegetables like spinach or bell peppers.

7. Can I freeze Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta?

  • Creamy pasta dishes generally do not freeze well as the sauce can separate upon thawing.

8. What can I use instead of ranch dressing?

  • You can make a homemade ranch dressing using yogurt or sour cream with herbs and spices, or use a creamy Caesar dressing as an alternative.

9. How do I make the sauce thicker?

  • Simmer the ranch dressing mixture for a bit longer to reduce and thicken it, or add a slurry of cornstarch and water.

10. What side dishes go well with Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta? – Garlic bread, a fresh green salad, or steamed vegetables make great side dishes.

11. Can I use low-fat ingredients to reduce calories? – Yes, you can use low-fat or light versions of ranch dressing and cheese, but note that it may affect the creaminess and flavor.

12. How do I know when the chicken is fully cooked? – Chicken is cooked when it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) and is no longer pink inside.

13. Should I cover the skillet when melting the cheese? – Yes, covering the skillet helps the cheese melt evenly and prevents it from drying out.

14. How can I add extra flavor to the pasta? – Try adding roasted garlic, caramelized onions, or a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese before serving.

15. Can I use a different type of cheese? – Yes, you can experiment with cheeses like mozzarella, Parmesan, or a blend of your favorites.

16. How do I reheat Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta? – Reheat gently on the stovetop over low heat with a splash of chicken broth or milk to restore creaminess.

17. Can I make this pasta dish spicy? – Yes, add a pinch of cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes to the sauce for a spicy kick.

18. How long does it take to make Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta? – Prep time is about 5 minutes, and cooking time is approximately 25 minutes, totaling around 30 minutes.

19. Can I use leftover rotisserie chicken instead of raw chicken? – Yes, shredded rotisserie chicken can be added after cooking the bacon to heat through.

20. How can I make the dish more creamy? – Increase the amount of ranch dressing slightly or add a splash of heavy cream to the sauce.

21. Should I rinse the pasta after cooking? – It’s generally not recommended to rinse pasta as it removes starch that helps the sauce adhere.

22. How can I make the dish more colorful? – Add diced tomatoes or bell peppers for a pop of color and freshness.

23. Can I make this dish gluten-free? – Yes, use gluten-free pasta and ensure all other ingredients are gluten-free.

24. How many calories are in a serving of Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta? – Approximately 600 calories per serving, depending on specific ingredients and portion size.

25. How can I make the dish more kid-friendly? – Kids usually enjoy the flavors of bacon and cheese; ensure the sauce isn’t too spicy and cut the chicken into smaller pieces.

26. Can I make a vegetarian version of this pasta? – Yes, omit the chicken and bacon, and add roasted vegetables like mushrooms, zucchini, and bell peppers.

27. Can I use Greek yogurt instead of ranch dressing? – Yes, Greek yogurt can be used as a healthier alternative to ranch dressing for a tangy twist.

28. What herbs can I use to garnish the pasta? – Fresh parsley, chives, or even basil complement the flavors of Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta.

29. How can I prevent the cheese from becoming stringy? – Use freshly shredded cheese and allow it to melt gently over low heat.

30. Can I make this dish dairy-free? – Use a dairy-free ranch dressing and omit cheese or use dairy-free cheese alternatives.

31. Can I use leftover pasta for this recipe? – Yes, leftover pasta can be used. Reheat gently and add to the skillet with the sauce and other ingredients.

32. How do I make the dish less salty? – Reduce the amount of salt added during cooking and use low-sodium chicken broth and bacon.

33. How do I make the sauce less thick? – Add a splash of chicken broth or milk to thin out the sauce to your desired consistency.

34. Can I use frozen chicken breasts? – Thaw frozen chicken breasts completely before cooking them to ensure even cooking.

35. Can I use turkey instead of chicken? – Yes, turkey can be substituted for chicken in this recipe with similar cooking times and methods.

36. Can I use ranch seasoning instead of ranch dressing? – Yes, you can use ranch seasoning mix to season the chicken or incorporate it into the sauce.

37. How can I make the dish more flavorful without adding calories? – Use fresh herbs, spices, and aromatics like garlic and onions to enhance flavor without extra calories.

38. Can I add vegetables to this dish? – Yes, add sautéed or roasted vegetables like spinach, mushrooms, or bell peppers for added nutrition and flavor.

39. How can I make this dish more filling? – Increase the protein content by adding more chicken or adding cooked beans like white beans or chickpeas.

40. What wine pairs well with Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta? – A crisp white wine like Sauvignon Blanc or a light-bodied Chardonnay complements the creamy richness of the dish.

These questions and answers cover a range of topics related to preparing and customizing Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta to suit different tastes and preferences.