Cheesy chicken and rice casserole



Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole


  • 1 can (22 ounces) cream of chicken soup
  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • 2 packages (about 10 ounces each) chicken flavored rice sides (such as Knorr Rice Sides)
  • 1.5 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon dried parsley
  • 2 cups shredded Mexican blend cheese


  1. Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to 400°F (205°C). Grease a 9×13 inch baking dish with cooking spray or butter.
  2. Prepare Casserole Mixture: In the greased baking dish, combine the cream of chicken soup, chicken broth, and both packages of chicken flavored rice sides. Mix well until everything is evenly combined.
  3. Add Chicken: Arrange the bite-sized chicken pieces evenly over the rice mixture in the baking dish.
  4. Season: Sprinkle the garlic powder and dried parsley evenly over the chicken pieces.
  5. Cheese Layer: Sprinkle 1 cup of shredded Mexican blend cheese evenly over the chicken.
  6. Bake: Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil and bake in the preheated oven for 45 minutes.
  7. Final Cheese Topping: After 45 minutes, remove the foil from the baking dish. Sprinkle the remaining 1 cup of shredded cheese evenly over the casserole.
  8. Bake Again: Return the uncovered casserole to the oven and bake for an additional 10 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through, the rice is tender, and the cheese is melted and bubbly.
  9. Serve: Remove from the oven and let it rest for a few minutes before serving. Garnish with fresh parsley if desired. Enjoy your delicious Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole!

Note: Ensure the chicken is cooked through to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) for safe consumption.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 55 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes
Servings: 6-8

Here are some tips to make your Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole even more delightful:

  1. Use Quality Ingredients: Opt for high-quality chicken breasts and chicken broth. The flavor of your casserole will largely depend on the quality of these ingredients.
  2. Enhance the Flavor of Rice: Instead of plain chicken flavored rice sides, consider using a mix of wild rice or long grain rice with seasonings for added texture and flavor complexity.
  3. Add Vegetables: Mix in vegetables like diced bell peppers, peas, corn, or broccoli to add color, nutrition, and flavor to the casserole. Sauté them lightly before mixing with the rice.
  4. Layer Flavors: Season the chicken pieces well with garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, or your favorite herbs and spices before adding them to the casserole. This ensures every bite is flavorful.
  5. Fresh Herbs: Use fresh herbs like chopped parsley, thyme, or basil to garnish the casserole just before serving. Fresh herbs add a burst of freshness and elevate the overall dish.
  6. Cheese Variety: Experiment with different types of cheese or a combination of cheeses. Sharp cheddar, Monterey Jack, or even a bit of Parmesan can add depth to the cheesy topping.
  7. Creamy Texture: If you prefer a creamier casserole, add a splash of heavy cream or a dollop of sour cream to the mixture before baking. This will enrich the sauce and add a velvety texture.
  8. Pre-cook Chicken: Sauté or grill the chicken pieces briefly before adding them to the casserole. This can enhance the flavor and texture of the chicken.
  9. Customize Seasonings: Adjust the seasonings to your taste preferences. You can add a pinch of cayenne pepper for a hint of heat or a squeeze of lemon juice for brightness.
  10. Broth to Rice Ratio: Pay attention to the ratio of chicken broth to rice sides. If you prefer a less soupy casserole, reduce the amount of broth slightly.
  11. Rest Before Serving: Let the casserole rest for 5-10 minutes after baking. This allows the flavors to meld together and makes it easier to serve.
  12. Serve with Fresh Salad: Pair the casserole with a fresh green salad dressed with a light vinaigrette to balance out the richness of the dish.

By incorporating these tips, you can elevate the flavors and textures of your Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole for a more delightful dining experience!

Here are 40 tips to help you achieve casserole perfection:

Preparation and Ingredients:

  1. Quality Ingredients: Use high-quality chicken, fresh chicken broth, and good-quality cheese for better flavor.
  2. Chicken Preparation: Trim excess fat from the chicken breasts and cut them into evenly sized pieces for even cooking.
  3. Seasoning: Season the chicken well with salt, pepper, and any additional seasonings like garlic powder, onion powder, or paprika before adding to the casserole.
  4. Rice Selection: Choose a good-quality rice blend or mix to add variety and texture to the casserole.
  5. Vegetable Additions: Mix in vegetables like bell peppers, peas, corn, or broccoli for added nutrition and color.
  6. Fresh Herbs: Add fresh herbs such as parsley, thyme, or basil for a pop of freshness.
  7. Cheese Variety: Experiment with different cheeses or a blend of cheeses for depth of flavor. Sharp cheddar, Monterey Jack, or Parmesan are great choices.
  8. Creamy Texture: Add a touch of heavy cream, sour cream, or cream cheese to the mixture for a creamier texture.

Cooking Techniques:

  1. Pre-cooking Chicken: Sauté or grill the chicken briefly before adding it to the casserole. This enhances flavor and prevents overcooking in the oven.
  2. Sauteing Rice: Lightly toast the rice in a bit of butter or oil before adding it to the casserole. This adds a nutty flavor and prevents the rice from becoming mushy.
  3. Proper Broth Ratio: Ensure the ratio of broth to rice is correct to achieve a perfectly cooked, moist casserole without being too soupy.
  4. Mixing Ingredients: Mix the cream of chicken soup, chicken broth, rice, and seasonings thoroughly in a large bowl before transferring to the baking dish.
  5. Layering: Layer the ingredients in the baking dish evenly to ensure every bite has a good balance of chicken, rice, and cheese.
  6. Covering While Baking: Cover the casserole with aluminum foil for the first part of baking to retain moisture and prevent the top from drying out.
  7. Cheese on Top: Sprinkle a generous amount of cheese on top of the casserole for a gooey, cheesy crust. Reserve some cheese to add during the final minutes of baking.
  8. Baking Temperature: Bake the casserole at a moderate temperature (around 375-400°F / 190-200°C) to ensure even cooking without burning the cheese on top.
  9. Baking Time: Bake the casserole until the chicken is cooked through (165°F / 74°C internal temperature), the rice is tender, and the cheese is melted and bubbly.
  10. Resting Time: Let the casserole rest for 5-10 minutes after baking. This allows the flavors to meld together and makes it easier to serve.

Flavor Enhancements:

  1. Onion and Garlic: Sauté onions and garlic before adding them to the casserole for added depth of flavor.
  2. Herb Infusion: Infuse the chicken broth with herbs like bay leaves, thyme sprigs, or rosemary while heating to add subtle flavors to the dish.
  3. Spice Blends: Experiment with spice blends like Cajun seasoning, Italian seasoning, or taco seasoning for different flavor profiles.
  4. Lemon Zest: Add a hint of fresh lemon zest to brighten up the flavors of the casserole.
  5. Wine or Stock: Use a splash of white wine or chicken stock to deglaze the pan after sautéing the chicken for added richness.
  6. Mustard or Worcestershire Sauce: Add a small amount of Dijon mustard or Worcestershire sauce to the mixture for a savory kick.

Presentation and Serving:

  1. Garnish: Garnish the finished casserole with chopped parsley, chives, or green onions for a pop of color and freshness.
  2. Serve with Bread: Serve the casserole with crusty bread or garlic bread to soak up the delicious sauce.
  3. Side Salad: Pair the casserole with a simple side salad dressed with a light vinaigrette to balance out the richness.
  4. Individual Servings: Bake the casserole in individual ramekins or mini cocottes for a more elegant presentation.

Storage and Reheating:

  1. Freezing: Casseroles can be frozen before baking. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap and foil, and thaw overnight in the refrigerator before baking.
  2. Reheating: Reheat leftover casserole in the oven at a low temperature (around 300°F / 150°C) to prevent drying out.

Tips for Variations:

  1. Mexican Twist: Use salsa, black beans, and corn with Mexican cheese blend for a Tex-Mex version.
  2. Italian Flavor: Use Italian seasoning, diced tomatoes, spinach, and mozzarella cheese for an Italian-inspired casserole.
  3. Buffalo Chicken: Add buffalo sauce, blue cheese crumbles, and celery for a spicy twist on classic flavors.
  4. Mushroom and Swiss: Sauté mushrooms and onions, then mix with Swiss cheese for a comforting variation.

Additional Tips:

  1. Make-Ahead: Prepare the casserole in advance, cover tightly, and refrigerate until ready to bake. Add extra baking time if baking from cold.
  2. Slow Cooker Method: Adapt the recipe for a slow cooker by adjusting liquid ratios and cooking times accordingly.
  3. Gluten-Free Option: Use gluten-free cream of chicken soup and ensure all ingredients are gluten-free if needed.
  4. Low-Fat Option: Substitute low-fat cheese and cream options to reduce overall fat content.
  5. Casserole Size: Adjust ingredient quantities based on the size of your baking dish for larger or smaller portions.
  6. Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different ingredients and flavors to create a casserole that suits your taste preferences.

By incorporating these secrets and tips, you can create a delicious and satisfying Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole that everyone will love!

Here are 40 popular questions and answers related to Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole:

  1. What is Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole?
    • Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole is a comforting dish made with chicken, rice, cream of chicken soup, and cheese, baked together until creamy and bubbly.
  2. What ingredients do I need to make Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole?
    • You will need cream of chicken soup, chicken broth, chicken flavored rice sides, boneless chicken breasts, garlic powder, parsley, and Mexican blend shredded cheese.
  3. Can I use regular rice instead of rice sides?
    • Yes, you can substitute regular rice, but adjust the amount of liquid and cooking time accordingly.
  4. How do I cook the chicken for the casserole?
    • Cut boneless chicken breasts into bite-sized pieces and either sauté them briefly or add them directly to the casserole to cook in the oven.
  5. Can I use chicken thighs instead of chicken breasts?
    • Yes, you can use chicken thighs instead. Adjust cooking times as needed since thighs may require longer cooking.
  6. Can I make Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole ahead of time?
    • Yes, you can assemble the casserole ahead of time and refrigerate it until ready to bake. Add extra baking time if baking from cold.
  7. How do I store leftovers of Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole?
    • Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.
  8. Can I freeze Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole?
    • Yes, you can freeze the casserole before baking. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap and foil, and freeze for up to 3 months. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator before baking.
  9. How do I reheat Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole?
    • Reheat in the oven at a low temperature (around 300°F / 150°C) to prevent drying out, or in the microwave in short intervals.
  10. What can I serve with Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole?
    • Serve with a side salad, steamed vegetables, or crusty bread for a complete meal.
  11. How can I make Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole healthier?
    • Use low-fat or reduced-fat cheese, substitute whole grain rice, and add extra vegetables for added nutrition.
  12. Can I add vegetables to the casserole?
    • Yes, you can add vegetables such as peas, diced bell peppers, corn, or broccoli for added flavor and nutrition.
  13. What kind of cheese can I use for Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole?
    • Use Mexican blend shredded cheese, cheddar cheese, Monterey Jack, or a blend of your favorite cheeses.
  14. How do I prevent the casserole from drying out?
    • Ensure there is enough liquid in the casserole mixture, and cover it tightly with foil while baking to retain moisture.
  15. Can I use different types of soup instead of cream of chicken?
    • Yes, you can use cream of mushroom, cream of celery, or another creamy soup for a different flavor profile.
  16. What herbs and seasonings can I add to Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole?
    • Add garlic powder, onion powder, dried parsley, thyme, or your favorite herbs for extra flavor.
  17. Can I add hot sauce or spices for a kick of heat?
    • Yes, you can add hot sauce, cayenne pepper, or red pepper flakes for a spicy version of the casserole.
  18. How do I know when the casserole is done baking?
    • The casserole is done when the chicken is cooked through (165°F / 74°C internal temperature), the rice is tender, and the cheese is melted and bubbly.
  19. Can I use instant rice instead of regular rice?
    • Yes, you can use instant rice, but adjust the amount of liquid and cooking time according to package instructions.
  20. How can I make Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole gluten-free?
    • Use gluten-free cream of chicken soup and ensure all other ingredients are gluten-free, including the rice.
  21. Can I add breadcrumbs on top of the casserole for a crunchy topping?
    • Yes, you can sprinkle breadcrumbs mixed with melted butter or olive oil on top before baking for a crunchy topping.
  22. What’s the best way to prevent the cheese from burning on top?
    • Cover the casserole with foil for most of the baking time and uncover it during the last few minutes to melt the cheese without burning.
  23. Can I use different meats instead of chicken?
    • Yes, you can substitute cooked ground beef, turkey, or even diced ham for a different variation of the casserole.
  24. How can I make Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole creamy without using cream?
    • Use a combination of chicken broth, cream of chicken soup, and cheese to create a creamy texture without heavy cream.
  25. Can I add wine or beer to the casserole for flavor?
    • Yes, a splash of white wine or beer can add depth of flavor. Add it while sautéing the chicken or mix it into the broth.
  26. What’s the difference between using chicken broth and water in the casserole?
    • Chicken broth adds more flavor to the casserole compared to water, which can make the dish more savory and rich.
  27. Can I make Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole in a slow cooker?
    • Yes, adapt the recipe by adjusting the liquid ratio and cooking time. Cook on low for 4-6 hours or until the rice is tender and the chicken is cooked through.
  28. How do I make Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole with brown rice?
    • Use brown rice instead of white rice, and increase the amount of liquid and cooking time as brown rice takes longer to cook.
  29. What’s the best way to season the chicken for the casserole?
    • Season the chicken pieces with salt, pepper, and any desired herbs or spices before adding them to the casserole.
  30. Can I make individual servings of Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole?
    • Yes, bake the casserole in individual ramekins or mini cocottes for personalized servings.
  31. How do I prevent the rice from becoming mushy in the casserole?
    • Follow the recommended rice to liquid ratio and do not overcook the casserole. Check the rice for doneness before removing from the oven.
  32. Can I add cream cheese to the casserole for extra creaminess?
    • Yes, add softened cream cheese to the casserole mixture for a richer and creamier texture.
  33. How do I know if the chicken is cooked through in the casserole?
    • Use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 165°F (74°C) for safe consumption.
  34. Can I use leftover cooked chicken for the casserole?
    • Yes, use shredded or diced leftover cooked chicken and adjust the cooking time accordingly to warm through.
  35. How can I make Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole more kid-friendly?
    • Use mild cheeses, add extra vegetables, and season the casserole mildly to suit children’s palates.
  36. What’s the best way to reheat Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole without drying it out?
    • Reheat covered in the oven at a low temperature or in the microwave with a damp paper towel to retain moisture.
  37. Can I add diced tomatoes to Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole?
    • Yes, drained diced tomatoes can add color and flavor to the casserole. Add them with the rice mixture.
  38. How do I adjust the recipe for a larger crowd?
    • Double the ingredients and use a larger baking dish. Ensure even distribution of ingredients and adjust baking time as needed.
  39. How do I prevent the casserole from sticking to the baking dish?
    • Grease the baking dish well with butter, cooking spray, or oil before adding the ingredients to prevent sticking.
  40. What’s the best way to store Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole leftovers?
    • Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator and consume within 3-4 days for best quality.

These questions and answers should help guide you through making a delicious Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole with confidence!