Creamy Garlic Sausage Alfredo Rigatoni Recipe


Creamy Garlic Sausage Alfredo Rigatoni Recipe


  • 1 lb rigatoni pasta
  • 1 lb garlic sausage, casings removed and crumbled
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh parsley, chopped for garnish


  1. Cook Rigatoni Pasta:
    • Cook rigatoni pasta according to package instructions until al dente. Drain and set aside.
  2. Brown the Garlic Sausage:
    • In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add crumbled garlic sausage and cook until browned and cooked through.
  3. Add Minced Garlic:
    • Add minced garlic to the skillet with the sausage and cook for about 1 minute, stirring constantly to avoid burning.
  4. Create the Sauce:
    • Pour in the heavy cream and bring to a simmer. Let it cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce starts to thicken slightly.
  5. Incorporate Parmesan:
    • Stir in the grated Parmesan cheese, allowing it to melt into the cream sauce. Continue stirring until the sauce is smooth and creamy.
  6. Season:
    • Season with salt and pepper to taste. Adjust seasoning as needed.
  7. Combine with Pasta:
    • Add the cooked rigatoni pasta to the skillet with the creamy Alfredo sauce. Toss well until the pasta is evenly coated with the sauce.
  8. Serve and Garnish:
    • Serve the Creamy Garlic Sausage Alfredo Rigatoni hot, garnished with chopped fresh parsley for a pop of color and freshness.

Nutritional Information:

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 20 minutes
  • Total Time: 30 minutes
  • Servings: 4 servings
  • Calories: 530 kcal per serving

Enjoy this indulgent and flavorful dish of Creamy Garlic Sausage Alfredo Rigatoni with its rich sauce and savory sausage complementing perfectly cooked rigatoni pasta!

Here are some tips to make your Creamy Garlic Sausage Alfredo Rigatoni even more delightful:

  1. Quality Ingredients: Use high-quality sausage, preferably Italian or another flavorful variety. Fresh garlic and good-quality Parmesan cheese will also enhance the dish.
  2. Balance the Creaminess: Adjust the ratio of cream to cheese to achieve the perfect creamy texture without it being too heavy. You want it to coat the pasta nicely without overwhelming it.
  3. Garlic Infusion: Ensure the garlic flavor permeates the dish by sautéing it gently in butter or olive oil until fragrant before adding other ingredients. This releases its aroma and flavors into the sauce.
  4. Seasoning: Taste and season appropriately with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Sometimes a pinch of nutmeg can add a subtle warmth to creamy sauces.
  5. Cook Pasta Al Dente: Cook the rigatoni al dente (firm to the bite). This ensures it holds up well against the creamy sauce and doesn’t become mushy.
  6. Fresh Herbs: Finishing the dish with fresh herbs like parsley or basil adds a pop of color and freshness that complements the richness of the Alfredo sauce.
  7. Garnishes: Consider topping each serving with a sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese, a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil, or some chopped fresh parsley. These finishing touches elevate the presentation and flavors.
  8. Serve Hot: Serve the dish immediately after tossing the pasta with the sauce. This ensures the pasta stays hot and the sauce retains its creamy texture.
  9. Experiment with Additions: If you like, you can add vegetables like spinach or broccoli for extra color and nutrients. Just ensure they are cooked to your liking before adding them to the pasta.
  10. Pairing: Consider serving with a side of garlic bread or a simple green salad dressed with vinaigrette to balance the richness of the pasta dish.

By paying attention to these details, you can take your Creamy Garlic Sausage Alfredo Rigatoni to the next level of deliciousness!

To achieve the perfect Creamy Garlic Sausage Alfredo Rigatoni recipe, here are some secrets and detailed steps you can follow:

  1. Choose the Right Sausage: Opt for a high-quality sausage with a robust flavor, such as Italian sausage or another seasoned variety. Remove the casings if using links, and break up the sausage into small pieces for even distribution throughout the pasta.
  2. Garlic Infusion: Start by sautéing minced garlic in butter or olive oil over medium heat until fragrant. Be careful not to let it brown, as burnt garlic can turn bitter.
  3. Creamy Sauce Balance: Use a combination of heavy cream and freshly grated Parmesan cheese for the sauce. Start by heating the cream gently in a separate pan before gradually adding the cheese, stirring constantly until it melts and combines smoothly. This method helps prevent clumping and ensures a velvety texture.
  4. Seasoning: Season the sauce with salt, pepper, and a pinch of nutmeg for added depth of flavor. Nutmeg complements creamy sauces beautifully without overpowering the dish.
  5. Cook Pasta Al Dente: Cook rigatoni pasta in a large pot of salted boiling water until al dente. This means the pasta should be tender yet still slightly firm to the bite. Reserve a cup of pasta water before draining.
  6. Combining Ingredients: Once the pasta is cooked, drain it and add it directly to the pan with the garlic and sausage. Toss everything together over medium heat to coat the pasta evenly with the flavors.
  7. Adjust Consistency: Gradually add some of the reserved pasta water to the sauce if it becomes too thick. This helps loosen the sauce and allows it to coat the pasta more evenly.
  8. Finish with Fresh Herbs: Just before serving, stir in freshly chopped parsley or basil to brighten up the flavors and add a touch of freshness.
  9. Serve Immediately: Transfer the Creamy Garlic Sausage Alfredo Rigatoni to serving plates or bowls immediately after tossing with the sauce. This ensures the pasta stays hot and the sauce remains creamy.
  10. Garnish and Enjoy: Garnish each serving with an extra sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese and a drizzle of good-quality olive oil if desired. Serve alongside garlic bread or a simple salad for a complete meal.

By following these secrets and steps, you’ll create a Creamy Garlic Sausage Alfredo Rigatoni recipe that’s rich, flavorful, and perfectly balanced.

Here are some popular questions and answers related to the Creamy Garlic Sausage Alfredo Rigatoni recipe:

  1. What kind of sausage should I use for Creamy Garlic Sausage Alfredo Rigatoni?
    • You can use Italian sausage, sweet or spicy, depending on your preference. Remove the casings and break the sausage into small pieces for even distribution in the dish.
  2. Can I use chicken sausage instead of pork sausage?
    • Yes, chicken sausage can be used as a lighter alternative. Choose a variety that complements the creamy garlic flavor of the dish.
  3. How can I make the Alfredo sauce creamy without being too heavy?
    • Use a combination of heavy cream and freshly grated Parmesan cheese. Start by heating the cream gently and gradually adding the cheese, stirring constantly until smooth. Adjust consistency with pasta water if needed.
  4. Should I cook the pasta al dente for this recipe?
    • Yes, cooking the rigatoni al dente ensures it maintains its texture when tossed with the creamy sauce. It should be tender yet slightly firm to the bite.
  5. Can I add vegetables to this dish?
    • Yes, you can add vegetables like spinach, broccoli, or peas. Cook them separately and add them to the pasta and sauce just before serving.
  6. How do I prevent the garlic from burning when sautéing?
    • Sauté the minced garlic over medium heat in butter or olive oil just until fragrant, being careful not to let it brown. Burnt garlic can turn bitter and affect the flavor of the dish.
  7. What herbs can I use to garnish Creamy Garlic Sausage Alfredo Rigatoni?
    • Fresh parsley or basil are popular choices for garnishing this dish. Chop them finely and sprinkle over each serving for a burst of fresh flavor.
  8. Can I make this dish ahead of time?
    • It’s best to serve Creamy Garlic Sausage Alfredo Rigatoni immediately after preparing to enjoy the creamy texture. If needed, you can prepare components like the sauce ahead and combine them with freshly cooked pasta just before serving.
  9. What can I serve with Creamy Garlic Sausage Alfredo Rigatoni?
    • Garlic bread or a simple green salad dressed with vinaigrette are great accompaniments to balance the richness of the pasta dish.
  10. How do I reheat leftovers of this dish?
    • Reheat gently in a saucepan over low heat, adding a splash of cream or pasta water to revive the creamy sauce. Stir frequently to ensure even heating.

These questions and answers should help guide you through making a delicious Creamy Garlic Sausage Alfredo Rigatoni and troubleshooting any concerns along the way. Enjoy your cooking!